How to get to Us at the beginning of Almejal beach
There are no roads coming from the interior of Colombia to the entire coast of Choco, as a result you must fly in from Medellin or from Quibdo or boat up from Buenaventura or Nuqui.
There are daily flights from Medellin’s Olaya Herrera Airport in El Poblado to Bahia Solano’s Airport Jose Celestino Mutis.
New airline connection with Clic Airlines now to Bahia Solano.
The flight takes about 45 minutes.
For flight purchases you can try:
To the Hill (El Morro) from Bahia Solano’s Airport
Take a taxi or a Tuck Tuck to El Valle, just tell them that you are going to El Morro en la playa El Almejal or let us know and We can arrange for a transporter to pick you Up. They normally charge $20000 cop/person and the ride takes about 28 minutes.
We recommend flying but alternatively you can take the cargo boat from Buenaventura to Bahia Solano, which leaves every Tuesday from Buenaventura and every Saturday back from Bahia Solano to Buenaventura.
To and from Nuqui
Public Boats leave only Mondays and Fridays from Nuqui to el Valle, the small town where we are located in. Boats leave Nuqui around 6:00 am returning back from El Valle the same day around 11:00.